
創業100 周年を迎える岐阜県土岐市下石町の窯元。年月の中で培われた技術が現代の暮らしのための道具としての調和することで、やきものづくりを通じて、暮らしの中に「小さな」しあわせを届ける。そうした想いのもと日々うつわを生み出します。

To create a lifestyle with pottery that people loved. that people loved.
Over the centuries, we have inherited
We have inherited the way of life with pottery that people loved over the centuries and connected it to the present.
A pottery manufacturer in Shimoishi-cho, Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, celebrating its 100th anniversary. By harmonizing the techniques cultivated over the years as tools for modern life, the pottery maker brings "small" happiness to people's lives through pottery making. With this in mind, we create pottery every day.